We've all seen bloody annoying click bait video titles:
“The heart wrenching story of Queen Elizabeth’s Yorkshire Terrier, who finally confirms what we've all suspected all along!”
… But the one below got my attention for personal reasons.
[My apologies if you've not heard of this bloke. You should still be able to get the drift the article though]
[26 mins 41 sec]
Freddie Starr
If you've not time to watch the video, there's quite a few references to Freddie Starr’s abusive behaviour - sexual & otherwise.
I read the comments & there's quite a few defending & praising him, which actually annoyed me. So I tapped out a polite reply to one, but decided not to send it. Mainly because I couldn't be arsed dealing with the Neanderthals it would probably have poked into action over on PooTube. Plus I'd have found it hard to bite my tongue [fingers] for reasons you'll see - if I'm successful in keeping your attention of course 😏
Here's some of the comments ….
[More here]
This is the clip with Patsy Palmer mentioned in one comment above [taken from here]:
[5 mins 28 sec]
At 2:15, & before he lays on top of her - you'll see Starr look at Patsy Palmer, & alter his hand movement as he says “just pulling a pint” …. [humour is one of the main tools used by sexual predators].
If any of the “celebs” in the audience found any of his act distasteful, they'd never have walked out on “one of their own”, especially not back then.
Being on “An Audience With …” was a bit of a status symbol in “the business”. You were “showbiz royalty” if your seat was at the front, on the aisle or within camera shot.
In the clip below [taken from here] you can see Starr in his later years [& after his arrests] ending an interview & walking out because of a question he was asked. He then told the interviewer to get out of his home.
Starr's performance in this clip is far from Oscar worthy ….. [predators & abusers often portray themselves as the victims].
[1 min 23 sec]
These two short clips alone, I feel, tell us a lot about this man. As does this article from 2019
“ … in 1997 he sparked outrage by hurling live chickens into an audience at the Britannia Theatre, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk.
Kerry Duthie, who was in the audience, said: ‘It was absolutely wicked. People were screaming and there were feathers flying in the air. The chickens were flapping about in a panic …. to see that happen was so cruel. If it was a cat or dog, people would have been up in arms. But because it was a chicken they got away with it.’
Starr shrugged off the criticism, saying: ‘There is nothing wrong with what happened and it will be left in the video. It was not cruel at all’.”
I find it very strange & unsettling that people can completely ignore certain things & still defend someone. Especially when children are involved.
For me, as with other “celebrities”, the fact he was a sexual predator overshadows any talent he may or may not have had, & any “charity work” was nothing but a veil.
I find it bloody strange that so many folks can completely ignore the fact that Starr was was arrested four times as part of investigations into Savile. Some may say that he was set-up etc, others that “there's no smoke without fire”. But it was proven that he did abuse a young girl but didn't do time because it happened so long ago [Keir Starmer has a lot to answer for]. There's proof of this, but I didn't look for it as I got sick of looking at his face on my screen.
Yes some could, & do, say that girls & women have lied about Starrs conduct. But I doubt they did. Why do I say this & why did that video grab my attention in the first place?:
Both my parents worked with Freddie Star. I met him when I was 14. His reaction when we were introduced was extremely inappropriate & made me feel very uncomfortable. This was in front of other adults. But, as we know, that sort of behaviour was common back then & has been accepted/treated as "normal" throughout the entertainment industry since the year dot.
Someone commented on the PooTube video above that Starr did a lot for charity ..... so did Savile, & the many other monsters in the entertainment industry who preyed/prey on youngsters, women & men.
I grew up in the music/entertainment industry so I've seen & experienced first hand what goes on. It's only now I'm old[er] that I realise just how bad it was & is.
I could never say "but they're so talented, & do a lot for charity" about someone with even remotely questionable behaviour. Let alone those that have evidently acted inappropriately or harmed others in any way [including animals].
I find it sickening, & worrying, to see that so many individuals can conveniently forget &/or make excuses for the behaviour of “famous” names - Michael Jackson probably being the biggest example that comes to my mind. I've seen & heard “He was misunderstood”, “He had an awful/no childhood” & even “black folks don't do stuff like that”.
Is it because these people don't want to admit that someone they've always liked, admired, looked-up to or even worshipped, is a nasty piece of work in the worst possible way? Or that they simply don't care?
Either way - I think it's bloody weird, & very very wrong.
RIP Freddie Starr? …...
Grand Order Of Water Rats :
A rather old British, men only [99% white] set-up that does “charitable” work & closely resembles an entertainment world branch of the Freemasons :
“ …. British entertainment industry fraternity and charitable organisation based in London. Founded in 1889 by the music hall comedians Joe Elvin and Jack Lotto, the order is known for its high-profile membership and benevolent works [primarily within the performing industries].[1]

…. Membership is limited to 180 male members of the entertainment industry plus 20 Companion Rats. Some Water Rats are household names but many are not, but all must be respected and trusted by their peers. Joining the Order is a complicated process that involves finding a proposer and seconder within the Order, consideration by the Order's Grand Council and finally a vote which needs a large majority for success …
Members of the order wear a small gold emblem shaped as a water rat on the left lapel of their jackets, and if one Water Rat meets another who is not wearing his emblem he is fined, with the money going to charity. Magician David Nixon wore his while appearing on television, explaining that as current King Rat he could be fined by any other member who saw him on screen without it.
There is also a small number of Companion Rats, distinguished men from various fields of business and influence who are not performers but who have achieved recognition for their support and friendship of the Order. These include Bob Potter OBE, the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, King Charles III and Prince Michael of Kent.”
I remember my mother attending a “GOWR” anual ball in London.
It was the early 1980’s & I was about 13/14 years old.
The following morning she said that she had a present for me from the event & handed me the running order/menu for the evening. It was covered in autographs [something I've never actually ever been interested in].
Incidentally she also had one of the gold rat lapel badges - this I've literally just remembered.
I felt edgy when I saw & touched the signed menu, but I didn't know why, It just felt “bad” to me. I didn't actually want it. But I took it, so as not to appear rude [plus I'd have been given a bollocking for being ungrateful].
My mother pointed to & read out all the names on it. Jimmy Savile, Rolfe Harris, Cliff Richard, Stewart Hall, Jimmy Tarbuck, Clement Freud [see where I'm going here?].
I won't name any more, but the tabs at the bottom of this wikipedia listing are interesting reading.
“GOWR” members can be found here, plus other info via the menu on that page.
I'm not saying that every member of this “fraternity” is dodgie. But a lot of the names that have given me alarm bells over the years are on that list.
Who Remembers this little gem from Jeremy Clarkson? ….
[1 min 28 sec]
🐘 Shall we finish with a bit of niceness? 🐅
Yeah, go on then ....
[6 mins 15 sec]
.... The commentary is probably mainly bull but they're lovely snippets
* Sniff *
To respond to your broader question: People today are conditioned by all kinds of things. They are currently being conditioned to accept the worst types of debauchery as something to aspire to. This is so blatantly wrong it’s shocking. At the same time, the value of human life is diminishing. We might as well use their necromancers to resurrect Caligula and put him in charge of the future death orgy.
Everything is about weakening the populace so control is easier. If there are less people to control, so much the better. Make them weak, make them dumb, make them sick, kill a ton. I saw a quote from Kissinger where he was spouting about eugenics through vaccines. He was virtually crowing about the plan to kill a good percentage of the population off while using taxpayer money to pay for it. This presented a fabulous opportunity to make billions as he and his nefarious cohorts had appreciable holdings in pharmaceutical companies. Billions for nothing while solving the fictitious population problem. Does it get any better than this for evil overlords? Caligula might have some suggestions.
Next thing to become normalized is BDSM. We have Diaper Salons springing up in strip malls. And no, this is not about designer diapers for bougie babies. This is about grown men dressed as babies who are infantalized for money. That’s a slippery slope. What’s next? Debbie’s Dominatrix Dungeon, right next to a donut shop and a nail salon. The mind reels.
Unfortunately for them, in their arrogance and addiction to perversity they forget, there are always, more "skeletons" than there are closets.
Worth looking at the curse of Peter Pan- J.M Barrie who read stories to the late Queen and her sister.