Controlling the Mind, Emotions & Weather with Radio Frequencies - AKA: That bloody Conspiracy Theory Lot ... Yet Again
HAARP- High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program
From the highly trustworthy Wikipedia ….
The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is a University of Alaska Fairbanks program which researches the ionosphere – the highest, ionized part of Earth's atmosphere.
…. Work on the HAARP facility began in 1993. The current working IRI was completed in 2007; its prime contractor was BAE Systems Advanced Technologies.[1] As of 2008, HAARP had incurred around $250 million in tax-funded construction and operating costs.
In May 2014, it was announced that the HAARP program would be permanently shut down later in the year.[4] After discussions between the parties, ownership of the facility was transferred to the University of Alaska Fairbanks in August 2015.[5]
HAARP is a target of conspiracy theorists *, who claim that it is capable of weather manipulation. Commentators and scientists say that advocates of this and other conspiracy theories are wrong,[6] as claims made fall well outside the abilities of the facility, if not the scope of natural science.[7][8]
Well that's that then. No need to look any further cus Wikipedia has spoken …. Oh & ignore the numerous patents & research papers relating to this that are easy to find
* The “Conspiracy theorists” label was apparently first used in relation to the Kennedy assassinationS - & relevant to this article, as you'll see in a bit.
The announcement that the HAARP program would be “permanently shut down” in 2014 was just that - an announcement.
They state that HAARP was transferred to University of Alaska in 2015. But as you can see from this 2019 article - it wasn't passed over to them, or kept, in a slumbering state:
A few more titbits …..
The story of HAARP and its related technology is a part of the puzzle of a “Revolution in Military Affairs” being pursued by the United States government, but it is only a small part. “Millions of dollars have gone to Alaska universities to harness the power of the aurora borealis, the electrical energy shimmering in the northern skies…
The earmarks also financed, among other things, ‘a supercomputer north of the Arctic Circle’ without naming the University of Alaska. Fairbanks as the beneficiary. Early on in the HAARP project there was confusion about “harnessing the energy of the aurora” (the northern lights) for use by the military.
The real use appears to be for over-the-horizon effects, communications and ABM defense-related research.
The University of Alaska again is the recipient of a supercomputer for “academic” research. The reality shows that the military uses the Univeristy to conduct experiments for advanced weapon system. Of course without full public disclosure or debate.
Taken from this book:
Meet Dr Nick Begich:
[No he's not trans … he's on after the blonde]
Dr. Nick Begich is well known in Alaska for his political work. He's the eldest son of the late U.S. Congressman, from Alaska, Nick Begich Senior & political activist Margaret Jean [Pegge] Begich. They had 6 children.
Nick Begich Senior died in 1972. Guess how he died? ……. A plane crash, & It was only by chance Mrs Begich didn't get on the plane with her husband. The same for the wife of Jake Boggs, who also died.
Boggs worked on the Warren Commission investigating the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Boggs had expressed doubts about the commission’s majority opinion that Kennedy and Texas Gov. John Connally were struck by a single bullet and therefore there was just one assassin
Take a look at the news article & the note made up of scraps of newsprint. Plus the position Jake Boggs wife was later slotted into by the then president.
🔗 Full Washington Post Article
Angels Don't Play This HAARP by Dr Nick Begich:
Based on the best selling book Angels Dont Play This HAARP, narrator Dr. Nick Begich presents a compelling discussion of one of the important military advances of the United States government.
🔗 Angels Still Don't Play This HAARP
[1hr 18min]
This video has Dr Begich's background & credentials at the beginning. It explains exactly what HAARP is & how it started ….. He covers a lot in an hour or so.
You'll hear him talk about UK politician Tom Spencer. Pop down to the Life and Career tab of his Wikipedia page, 3rd paragraph, & see what they say about him.
You'll also hear him mention a certain U.S President a number of times.
This is Dr Nick Begich's publishing company - Earthpulse Press Incorporated:
When I clicked on the link I got this ….
Then this …
I was diverted again when I tried to look at this:

Nothing to see here folks! …. Move down the bus!
Additional reading & viewing:
🔗 The Hidden Monks - Dr Nick Begich on Pootube
Dr. Nick Begich shares The Keys to taking back your power.
Get insight on how to improve your life and change your life in the context of today's world. He is an scientist and historian with extensive study in HAARP and weather modification, mind control, brainwashing, and military psychological experiments such as MK Ultra, along with a broad range of topics such as how to have digital privacy, renewable and exotic energy, communications technology, current and past politics, history, and health.
He has travelled extensively around the world to understand a wide array of cultures and people. The work he presents here is meant to give you the keys to unlock your potential.
🔗 Full list of books by Dr Nick Begich
🔗 HAARP, The Ultimate Weapon from Maier Files: