Grab a cuppa & get comfy, we're going in ...

Below is an updated version of a piece I shared on Telegram back in January of 2023 ✍️
Over there it’s had quit a few views. But I don’t share stuff to get clicks [cus I'm not a needy cow]. However in this case I'm glad that so many have seen it. Because, hopefully, someone will have found something of use in it.
I'm sharing it again here for the same reasons, plus:
1] Two years on, more & more folks are questioning the safety of graphene oxide
2] Every time I click on a link to do with this stuff there's some bugger along the way, or at the other end, jumping on the bandwagon & trying to get money out of us
3] I reckon the recent lingering “fog” we’ve been getting contains graphene, &
D] This shit ain’t gonna go away, & common sense tells us that the number of us getting certain symptoms will increase …. The very symptoms the medical/pharma industry are making, & will make, even more money from. Those symptoms will lead to other things if they’re ignored or suppressed [with meds] rather than addressed. So we need to do something to clean things up & “protect” ourselves. Plus, of course, get the word out so we can warn/help others.
UK hospitals are now in the position that so many witnesses & videos confirmed they lied about prior to & during flockdown: Staff are rushed off their feet & overwhelmed with all the poorly & dyeing folks [some might say “ain’t karma a bitch”]. Something is obviously causing the influx ….. & it ain’t “viruses”.
I think it may be helpful to give a bit of background before getting to the updated article. I’m going to share some of my own experiences too. I hope you don’t mind, but I do feel they’re relevent …..
There are rather a lot of us - worldwide - who’ve not had a con-19 jab, worn a mask or used a test.
[These contain graphene oxide].
Plus, many of us also don’t use pharmaceuticals in general - some of which contain graphene &/or various other questionable metals [more on that below].
In those groups of folks there are quite a few of us who, from the start of the jab rollout, could/can tell if someone had/has been injected.
The first time it happened to me I felt strange & “confused” as I walked away from a chap. I'd been stood talking to him for not even five minutes in an empty restaurant [he had glazed red eyes & a blank expression].
My chest felt tight & my pulse was racing [no, I didn’t want to have his babies 🙄]. My friend was waiting in her car, & as I got back in I said to her:
“He’s had the jab, I could tell from 6 feet away ... I don’t feel too good”
The second time actually scared me [not a feeling I’m accustomed to], as I didn’t properly know where I was after a while or what the hell I was doing. I had paperwork & a laptop in front of me but I didn’t know why, or what to do with them. My friend [who I’ve known 15+ years yet barely recognised] had to take me home.
When I got in I walked into the wall in my hallway [no, I don’t drink booze]. Then when I sat down my head started to involuntarily wobble. I also found myself staring without blinking & unable to stop🔸…. Those were the first & worst experiences.
Oh yeah, plus there’s the periods & related pains - even though I went through the menopause well over ten years ago. I put that down to my now ex partner having a jab [due to severe “pressure from work”] which I only found out almost two years after the event.
The bleeding happened 3 times, after being intimate with her, & was brief & hasn’t happened since. But I do still get period pains.
The other “symptoms” are worse since having to have injections during dental procedures. On one occasion I ending up in A&E due to the jab the dentist gave me. I honestly thought I was going to die
[For the record: I’m no hypochondriac, pussy or drama queen]
It was following the first anaesthetic [I had 3 in less than two years]. My body had been clear of chemicals & toxins since 2018/19, & so reacted to the aesthetic each time [I now know they contain graphene].
🔸Incidentally, as I sat in reception of A&E [which was being used as triage as it was during flockdown] I was surrounded by folks who looked EXTREMELY frightened, & like the man in the restaurant they all had glazed red eyes. Most of them had oxygen masks - the majority were staring ahead or up to the ceiling, with tremoring heads or/& hands [sound familiar?].
To this day, like many folks, I can still “feel” the “vaccine”. Even “smell” & “taste” it …. It’s metalic & chemical, sometimes changing to a meaty smell [for want of a better word]. I can even smell & taste it when I have food delivered. So is it coming from those who have prepared it? Or is whatever causes it being added to the food? I’m not scaremongering … These questions need to be asked [& answered!].
As I said - the unjabbed experiencing effects when around those that are jabbed is actually quite common, & there have been numerous discussions [& arguments] about what the hell is going on …. & why! The conversations only really started happening once others started to acknowledge & accept that something was/is happening to us. I found that even a lot of the “awake” - who are known for researching - didn’t believe me/listen to me/take me seriously. Plus, of course, there were the usual dickhead comments from agitators [paid & hobbyists] to navigate around whilst trying to have an adult conversation [yawn].
To anyone shouting on [anti]social media that graphene oxide is NOT causing harm, there are no problems with 5G etc &/or jabees aren’t “expressing” anything in any way, shape of form ….. BULLSHIT!! Too many of us have had the same problems that start/started around the same time &/or in the same situations.
I’m especially suspicious of any so-called “influencers” spouting such claptrap. Especially if they charge for the “privilege” of reading their opinion on a subject, plus info shared as their own when they stole it from someone else in the first place [someone that doesn’t charge] ….. But I digress.
So what is it that’s happening?
I’m no chemist or expert. But from what I’ve experienced & found out in the last five years I personally think the “oozing”, as I call it, is to do with graphene, “5G” [soon to be 6G, 7G …], EMF, microwaves & frequencies. I believe it’s a combination of 2 or more of those things that’s causing so many problems.
In the last two or so years folks have had combined jabs which, from what I've seen, is making matters even worse for the jabbed & unjabbed alike. I think combined with the “turn on” of 5G [which I reckon happened earlier than they said], apart from “new” illnesses popping up, old ailments appear to have been considerably exacerbated.
My “bearable” childhood tinnitus [probably from school jabs] is now so bad that I can’t even find the right words to describe it to you. It’s got worse, & rather quickly, in the last few months or so. I think this is due to graphene, Wi-Fi etc etc
Also, in my opinion - The unjabbed are jabbed by proxy, especially those who have had or have sexual relations with a jabbed partner.
Then, of course there's this!
Anyway, I’ve rambled enough, so to cut to the chase ….
To get rid of whatever the “oozing” is causing [I call it that as “shedding” is not applicable here], plus of course the effects from whatever is being sprayed in the skies - the things mentioned below have worked for me*. Jabbed folks have told me they’ve found relief too.
…. But please, as always, do your own research [best not to use Google though eh].
Apologies, but I don’t have the working source links anymore to all sections of the article.
As for protecting ourselves from EMF, 5/6/7G, Wi-Fi etc ….. That’s a whole other bloody article 🙄
* Names mentioned & videos included are for the information they may provide plus for research purposes, & should not be construed as recommendations
The 2023 article [updated]:
It’s been well publicised & proven that C-19 jabs, PCR tests, blue masks, other jabs & dental anasthetics all contain Graphene Oxide. Apparently as do:
• Flucloxacillin Sodium 500mg antibiotic capsules
• Omeprazole 200mg capsules
• Doxycyline 100mg capsules
• Possibly Ibuprofen too:
[1 min 27 sec]
Plus there’s the use of it in things like this 👈
In the 2021 article Could graphene oxide nanosheets be an effective SARS-CoV-2 antiviral in PPE? you can see “medical experts” raving about Graphene Oxide:
“…… Researchers believe that the utilization of nanotechnology and nanomaterials could play a vital role in combating the current pandemic. For example, they can be used in the development of diagnostic tools for the detection of the virus. Nanotechnology can be used to create personal protection equipment like masks that shield an individual from viral particles. Nanomaterials can also effectively inactivate the surface virus particles or those captured in the protective gear. Nanotechnology and nanomaterials can also be used in the development of vaccines and therapeutics for COVID-19 ……”
Those of us without our heads in the sand are aware how bloody dangerous Graphene Oxide actually is.
Lots of genuine research is out there, but you don’t need to be a scientist, as common sense prevails.
Graphene Oxide has been linked to many worrying physical reactions. But the majority of doctors won't tell you this! They'll most likely either say you have “covid” [small “c”] or they’ll do tests [for anaemia, vitamin deficiencies etc] then probably say:
"We don't know what's wrong, but here take this tablet ….. for the rest of your life”
❗️Doctors who are NOT owned by big pharma have recommended the jabbed get their "d dimer levels" checked [for micro clotting], plus "Troponin level" [for myocarditis] ❗️
Summery of issues Graphene Dioxide are said to cause:
• Deplete glutathione levels [the most important antioxidant].
• Block detoxification by blocking glutathione.
• Trigger a cytokine storm when all glutathione is depleted.
• Thromboses.
• Blood clots.
• Cause Inflammation of the mucous membranes.
• If inhaled can instigate “pneumonia”
• Produces a loss in the sense of taste and smell [zinc deficiency also causes this]
• Absorbs EM frequencies causing increased oxidative stress
• general tiredness
• Aches & pains
• Fever
• Metallic taste in the mouth
• "Strange feelings"
Let’s not forget that there are [allegedly] jabbed folks registering on mobile phones as “nearby bluetooth devices”!
This seems to be connected to this article 👈
I like to see things for myself, so gave it a try …..
Watch this video below if you have an Android device & you’d like to see it for yourself [or give someone a nudge]:
⚠ Contains bad language ⚠
[1 min 40 sec]
This should also work on Android tablets: I went to “About Fire Tablet” in my settings & tapped on “Serial number” several times. When I backspaced “Developer Options” had appeared near the bottom of the previous menu. I then went back to “Settings” to turn on Bluetooth & tapped “Pair new device”. The list that popped up was shocking, plus it changed as different folks came into & left the area around me.
Unjabbed Folks Are Experiencing Problems Too From Graphene Oxide
Many have from day one of the jab rollout [🙋🏼♂️ ]. I think that’s where this comes in:
Lockstep From Inoculated Graphene Oxide Activated by Pulsating 4G and 5G EMF in the VaXXXed …
I noticed, just after the con-19 jab rollout, that it was vegetarians & “vegans” - more so those who didn't smoke, drink or use pharmaceuticals - that had effects when around jabbed folks. A short, sharp cough was common … exactly the same cough the newly jabbed were getting [& still get].
So, Is it possible to get rid of graphene oxide from our bodies?
The video below is in Spanish, with English subtitles. Hopefully it’ll be of use: grab a pen & get the pause button ready ⏸
Below I'll expand on as many things as possible mentioned in the video [still do your own research though please]:
I’ll also mention things to watch out for whilst looking into this:
• Everything mentioned in the video should, ideally, be taken in the morning & on an empty stomach, except Melatonin. This makes you nice & relaxed - many folks use it as a sleep aid.
• Not mentioned in video: Vitamin D3 should be taken with K2
[Please read this article 👈 if you consider Vitamin D to be “Rat poison”]
It’s said that NAC [N-Acetyl Cysteine] helps get rid of the Graphine Oxide:
It’s actually Glutathione that does this: NAC is a pre-curser to that, & both can be taken alternately.
QUERCETIN helps Zinc entry into cells & raises Glutathione.
Some foods rich in Quercetin:
• Capers [most concentrated source]
• Red onion [highest vegetable source]
• Shallots & all other onions
• Red apples
• Citrus fruits
• Grapes [seeded are best - eat them]
• Dark cherries & berries
• Cherry tomatoes [organically grown tomatoes have up to ¾ more than others]
• Spinach & leafy greens
• Brussels sprouts
• Cabbage & other cruciferous veg
• Bell peppers
• Almonds
• Pistachios
• Asparagus
• Buckwheat
• Sage
• Olive oil
• Red wine
• Oak bark tea
• Green tea
• Black tea
• Nettle tea
🔶 Note: These foods are beneficial too for folks wanting to wean off blood thinner meds. Plus, & especially, ginger, garlic & grapefruit ... Seek advice [not just from allopathic doctors, most of whom will try their best to keep you on the pharmaceuticals].
SPIRULINA is mentioned in the video also:
❗Don't take Spirulina within 2 to 3 hours of having vitamin C as they cancel each other out ❗
Spirulina works well with CHLORELLA [both are brilliant metals detoxers]:
[There’s a good little article here 👈]
Some foods high in this:
• Montmorency cherry
• Asparagus
• Tomatoes
• Pomegranate
• Olives
• Grapes
• Oranges
• Pineapple
• Broccoli
• Cucumber
• Rice
• Barley
• Oats
• Walnuts
• Peanuts,
• Sunflower seeds
• Mustard seeds
• Flaxseed
Additional info can be found here 👈
When I started having detox baths I began with ½ a cup each of the ingredients, & built up to a whole cup by my 3rd bath. This is because, whether you’re doing it with a bath or your diet, it can be dangerous to detox too quickly.
I find that regular 20 minute detox baths are very beneficial. I have the water as hot as I can bare it - but not so it’s uncomfortable [the window is open a smidge].
I use equal measures of:
• Sea salt or Himalayan salt
• Magnesium flakes
• Diatomaceous earth, Zeolite or Bentonite clay
• Aluminium free Sodium Bicarbonate [baking soda]
🔴 Note: Please check labels as I found Dr Oetker & most [UK] supermarket bought baking sodas are NOT aluminium free
I immerse the old body & soak for a bit, then use a rough flannel, exfoliator, bamboo mitt or similar & scrub-a-scrub-scrub ….. not so I’m red raw though.
I stay in the tub no longer than 20 minutes as I don't want the rubbish & toxins in the water going back in through my pores.
I took 3 to 4 baths in the first week. Then regularly once I started to feel the benefit. I also have a detox bath after mixing with others, whether I feel dodgie or not. I also don’t wear my outside clothes at home & change as soon as I get in [chemtrails etc].
It seems best to bath at night, for a better sleep. Especially if magnesium spray is used afterwards, which is easy to make:
Fill a spray bottle [50/50] with the magnesium flakes & non-tap water, then shake the bottle. Spray 5 times the 1st time [building up to 10] & rub in skin. If it tingles then you're magnesium deficient, so it’s Good that you used it 👍. It’s rather good for aches & pains too. Shake before each use [the bottle, not you 🙄].
❗Please do your own research & especially check for contraindications etc if you use pharmaceuticals & any supplements or herbs❗
Also, take into consideration the fact that negative press regarding NAC , herbs/supplements etc is deliberately spread. Anything that helps get & keep us well is a threat to "big pharma". They really will do anything to ensure their profits aren’t effected
Suggested additional reading/research:
• Protein Cleanse Contains Graphene C60
• UK - Drinking Water Expectorate [DWE] article
“There are no approvals nor applications under consideration for the use of Graphene oxide products in accordance with regulation 31. Additionally, there is no work in the standardisation committee responsible for treatment chemicals and products [filter media] to develop standards based on this substance ….”
So, if graphene oxide is that amazing [& safe] - why is it not used by the drinking water companies?
I think it’s because they know it will kill us if it’s in the water that most folks drink & bath in [on top of the other ways we’re getting it in our bodies].
Then, at the very end of the article:
“It is possible that Graphene oxide may be used for treating water in industrial processes such as laundry purposes, but not for drinking water treatment in the UK”
Now compare that to this piece. If you want to look even deeper then click on the links in it, then the links that leads you to …. It’s mind-blowing [& I think highly suspicious].
For elimination/healing/protection:
• CDS [chlorine dioxide solution] / MMS [Master Mineral Solution]
• Universal Antidote Course [free]
• Nicotine [natural form]
• DMSO [Dimethyl Sulfoxide] - this needs to be looked into thoroughly before using
• David Nixon & Karl C [Substack] - their research into the effects of colloidal gold & nanotechnology
🔗 The Great Mending
by quantalab
Sonic chemistry, bioacoustics, medbeds, cymatics, and sound therapy
! All tracks are experimental. Treat this as a science project for educational, research, and entertainment purposes. No medical claims are made !
Join QuantaLab on Telegram: Healing Library:
[! Emphasis added by me !]
If you know of anyone conducting genuine research on the above, I’d greatly appreciate it if you could pass this on to them. Many thanks