Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Sad part is they took the female and made her into a political puppet.

Her college years were ruined now-the rest of her life being a puppet for the right wing!

Another life lost! She has been on podcasts with gate keepers all over the news!

They are using her situation and her face for political gain in the matrix!

The political pendulum swings left to right just passes by the middle!

One side is anarchy the other side is the law!

The pendulum is now swinging right which means right wing over reach like the patriot act and obviously more wars! Same shit different characters. They use and abuse who ever to gain power! Even mentally ill fellows or Athletic women

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I'm not sure I've read that correctly but I'm sure you'll tell me If I've got it wrong 😏

If you commented after reading the article in full then I have to say Tippy that you have a very kind heart .

I haven't where this is concerned, as it has been part of most of my life.

Yes, it's sad what they've done to females, more than sad. But I'm not sad for him, & it is a him. He is male & like many "trans women" he's jumped on a deliberately created bandwagon that rolls at speed knocking women [gay & straight] out of their way, as they rush to prove that they're better at being women - than actual women.

He's used the politicians & media as much as they've been using him & will be in his element at the moment. He knows exactly what he's doing & will be guided by professionals, & other activists, in just what to say [woaw is me, non-inclusive discriminatory, illegal, blarr board blarr].

It's taken decades for women to feel that things are anywhere near fair & safe in most environments. Be it work, home, sports, social etc. Then the LGBTQ mafia came along, & pissed all over most of the progress made.

The WEF & government's are responsible for that. Left or right is irrelevant, because they'll play any card they can to get votes. Then change the deck if/when they get elected.

In short:

They is a man, who's an LGBTQ agenda trans. Which is very very different to the trans folks I've known & worked with since the 80's. Apart from that he's gets sexually aroused by pretending to be a woman [see article].

Ooh that was a long one ....

..... Dinnerrrrr tiiiiiime!!!!

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Jun 18Liked by Rev. Tina

“ It's taken decades for women to feel that things are anywhere near fair & safe in most environments. Be it work, home, sports, social etc. Then the LGBTQ mafia came along, & pissed all over most of the progress made.

I know, I get it!

The war between gay women and men and this crap today pissing everybody off!

I saw society stop reacting to gay life styles live and let live that all changed by pulling you into the transgender scene when they went after the kids

I thought they were trying to get the parents nuts

no it was the gay community they were after!

And straight women!

Straight women and the gay community in one shot! Men are reacting slowly! On this scene of pure manipulation! I believe everything they do or say comes out of cern! There super computer for AI. Cern! Every move!

They cut the balls off of men before they started on women again! I see thru all of it, I mean all of it I will not hate on command! What I mean is I am numb to this stuff at this point, because everybody is a tool everybody is a puppet! To one of the gods! We all serve somebody! They created all this insanity! They know what they’re doing of course

People like that male swimmer!

He knows he is pushing buttons it’s his time to shine! Money doesn’t talk it swears Obscenity! I do not react much to anything anymore!

I let my faith take me away from it!

The saying let god! I do not question much anymore! I see evil and good coming to war

Like I always saw it!

I use to Handel it with drugs running away from my faith!

The ruler of this world is Satan

I am not surprised by what I am seeing!

I have my faith it works for me!

For me getting angry is very dangerous to my freedom I have left! Somewhere all my hatred was lifted! There are plenty of things for me to hate!

Homie don’t play that game

I get mad my guard goes down and I am weakened! My alter ego would like to meet the male swimmer in a dark alley! But he is not aloud out! My alter ego would like to do a lot of things!

Peace my friend love is the only way out of here as corny as it sounds!

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Jun 18Liked by Rev. Tina

Let’s not forget I grow great herb!

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Author

You got it 👍

Not a lot of folks gave a shit any more about us lot, as long as respect was shown & received both ways.

There has always been a but if rift between dykes & queens yes. I think it's a testosterone thing 😆. But the agenda has thrown a spanner in the works of everything, especially with the gays. As you have the agenda lot, & the respectful "realistic" lot that just want to be left alone & not bother anyone. Plus, of course adding the TQ etc was a tactical move.

I was the L&G officer for many years for, what was at the time, the biggest union branch in Europe. That was 25+ years ago. I saw it all starting then from a business & governmental angle. On a personal level since I started going out in the early 80s straight trannies [men] have always tried to pick up lesbians in gay bars .... & boy did they get shitty when you declined. I dread to think what they're like now as they were totally disrespectful years ago.

But that's what It's about isn't it? Respect, & the alphabet mafia ain't got any ... for anyone, except each other

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Liked by Rev. Tina

The whole shit show is total manipulation of peoples senses!

It is truly diabolical! People have always been afraid of different in any degree! I grew up with a retarded kid in the 1960’s kinda showed me how cruel people are to different in any degree! I still cringe from the word, I heard it so many times back then! I grew up with live and let live!

And Mind your own business! Plus this gem, do not make other peoples lives affect mine. I am very closed off from this world!

Now if my daughter was young that might be a different story!

But I raised her got her thru college dealt with society then and now I am burnt out from exhaustion! I play my guitar think riffs and lyrics.

I have every room in my house set up to play at any moment.

It is were my concentration is used up!

It is were I work on language music language it is my rock.

Just to find my peak and create my own style from a mixture of other guitar players make it my own! Practice practice practice things fall into place

My brother ask me? What are you going to do when you reach your peak!

Told him not really sure for now I am just enjoying the ride that was 4 years ago

I move very slow and very deliberate

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There's no rush, & when you reach your goal another will pop up organically 😊

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Jun 19Liked by Rev. Tina

Exactly amazing how that happens!

I keep raising the bar!

I put in at least 4 hours a day It is where I hide and heal!

I have played at least 4 hours a day for 7 years!

I use to make tapes back in the day!

But digital recording is whole new art form that distracts me from just playing! I record myself for a shot of reality pick up what needs work!

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This would not be happening worldwide if Catholic remnant had a Pope

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